Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lost Gravesite

September 22, 2011
Buffalo NY
            We were on the road by 8:20 heading for the I-190 to downtown Buffalo.  Google maps had us picking up
Main St.
which would then become Deleware and connect to the 190.  Nope.  We ended up never seeing it… I headed north on Sheridan to pick up the 190 coming off the Grand Island Bridge.  Within minutes we were downtown and slightly lost.  I knew where we had to be but missed a turn and slowly worked my way back.  Eventually we found the building Sis had to be at and I dropped her off.  While she was doing that I went to a Starbucks about 4 blocks away and enjoyed a latte with free internet and free parking!
            I picked her up an hour later and we decided to ride back to NT via the streets…specifically,
Deleware Ave.
  We hadn’t gone more than 2 miles when I recognized the general area….I had lived
here with my mother’s sister and her family during 3rd grade while my parents remained in TX.  I tried to find the old house on Norwood but didn’t have the house number and didn’t recognize any of the buildings.  As I was heading back onto Deleware, I passed Millard Fillmore Hospital where I was born, and slightly further on was the cemetery where my maternal grandparents were buried.  Sis and I decided to inquire at the cemetery administration building for the location of their graves but were told no such persons were interred there. Hmmmm, go figure…guess I’ll have to call one of my cousins to track down names.
            From there we headed to Riverside after first stopping where Cardinal Dougherty High School used to be…and where I attended for 2 years until I rebelled against the Latin classes and Catholicism authority…convinced my parents to allow me to attend Riverside High School…where Sherri, my HS sweetheart, was attending J.
            Then we were off to 141 East St. and then over to Dearborn…all places I had lived, with a final drive by Riverside HS, a 3 story building with a basement…some good memories there…they allowed me to breathe.
            Back at the Apt Sis and I then did some exercises which, again, I kept very limited for her so she would not be strained or injured.  We watched The King’s Speech much to Sis’ delight….it was a good movie to watch a second time and recall the first time that I saw it J.
            Finally to bed, feeling good that Sis is feeling good.
            Altho I gave up some personal goals, I’m glad I stayed here to keep her company…it is very enjoyable to spend time with her.
C ya mañana,
twitter: @GonzoCrossUSA

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