Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ursula Wachowiak: Courageous Woman worthy of your SUPPORT!

Morning ya’ll.  Here’s a shocker of a story about a brave gypsy gal who was on her way to her first visit to Sturgis.  Crossing into Minnesota she was struck head-on by a car passing a semi. 

Check out her story on this link to her Blog: 

This is something that can happen to any of us….look what happened to me on July 15th while riding the Beartooth in WY!

Please take a moment to give Ursula a word of encouragement and support and, if possible, please donate via the link below that was established by her friends.

How I met Ursula Wachowiac:

Last year, while riding the 15 Best USA Roads, I was in Deal’s Gap TN getting photo’s at the completion of riding The Tail of the Dragon.  A gentleman, visiting Deals Gap with his daughter, volunteered to take a photo of me in front of the Tree of Shame. 

We chatted about motorcycling, life, yada yada.  He asked if he could give my email address to a friend of his who was looking for advice on how to travel distances and spend many days on the road.  A few weeks later I received an email from “The Broad” as Ursula titled herself, and we have been occasionally in touch via email.

Her last note to me was of her plans to visit Sturgis so I sent her my itinerary thinking we may have a point where our travels would intersect and we would finally get to meet each other….two bloggin’ traveler’s having a cup of coffee at some roadside Mom n Pop Café.  I didn’t hear back from her, until August 17th, when I was home recovering from hand surgery. 

As I told her later, my joy at seeing a note from her turned to anguish as I read the story of her mishap.

Please read her BLOG and give her your support…..it will be greatly appreciated.

C ya’ll mañana,
Twitter: @GonzoCrossUSA
Email: GonzoCrossUSA@gmail.com
Cell: 949-433-0761

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