November 16, 2011
Abilene TX
Seems that I’m challenged trying to depart a place L.
The plan was to load up the trailer and truck Tuesday morning and be on the road by noon..HA! Never happened. There was laundry to do, gear to organize, pictures to download, bllls to pay online, blogs to finish up, yadayadayada.
It was 7pm when I was strapping Sophia down that I released the wrong strap and she toppled over inside the trailer. Got her up and properly strapped when Harley (My son’s sweetheart) called to check on me. She suggested that I just spend another night and depart the next day in the daylight.....made sense. So I locked things up to finish in the morning’s daylight. Why is it that girls have a way of putting some sense into a fella’s head??
Wednesday morning I decided to have a good exercise before departing. When I went out to the trailer to finish strapping things down I found a green fluorescent tag pasted to the ramp warning me that the trailer would be towed away by 1700 that day! Zach and I had already worked this all out with the office administrators twice, so it was very upsetting to see this a second time. I finished strapping things down then went to the office to complain about the defacing of my private property. Bottom line is that there was a lot of miscommunication. Oh well, I will not be staying there again…the administration is a little too uptight for my “live on the road” lifestyle!
I enjoyed the run to Abilene listening to music, stopping occasionally to check the load, and viewing the countryside. I like the way this part of the country rolls with gentle hills and how it is host to some unique looking trees. The most interesting ones are probably oaks, seeminly smaller than the typical oak I am familiar with….I’ll have to learn a little about these trees for my trip out here next year.
As I was enjoying the view through the Hills, my mind was envisioning future sights that I’m looking forward to seeing: Four Corners, Utah’s National Parks, Idaho, east Oregon and East Washington, Blaine, Saturday Nightclubing in Seattle…and of course, all the great Americans that I will be meeting.
It was dark when I arrived in Abilene, guess my stopping along the way used up too much time, but I enjoyed the stops. Entering the town I spotted a number of motels but decided to get to the other side of the city for the night. As luck would have it, there were no motels to be found……just gas stations. So I camped out for the night at a station and was toasty in my Coleman +30 sleeping bag. When I got up around 5am the temp was 31 deg!
Not only do I have challenges departing a place, but it seems I have challenges with the weather cooperating with me
C ya mañana,Gonzo
twitter: @GonzoCrossUSA
cell: 949-433-0761
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