Sunday, October 2, 2011

Buffalo Bills are 3-0 !!

September 25, 2011
North Tonawanda NY
Is this for real??  The Bills actually beat the Pats by a field goal??  Wow, what an exciting game. Well, at least the 2nd half was exciting.  Seems the Bills are a 2nd half team..they were down 21-0 in the first half when they scored a field goal before the half ending.  Then they come back in the 2nd all fired up and coordinated.  Of course, it can be argued that Brady was just not at his best and the Pats secondary was 2nd string due to injuries.  But bottom line, the Pats 2nd half performance was sub par while the Bills stepped it up a few notches! 
Good for them.
Did another trip to Buffalo, this time finding the old house at 97 Norwood.  What a surprise!  It seems that to an 8 yr olds’ perspective everything is BIG.  Looking at it now it was a reality jolt to the memory.  I thot the place was brick…it isn’t..same as all the houses on the street….has sidings.  It is a 3 story with basement and as I looked up a the attic I could recall how my Aunt n Uncle had fixed up a bedroom in the back of the 3d floor attic for me. The basement was my favorite place however.  Back then coal was delivered and slid down the chute to be stored in the coal bin for the winter.  I had all the fun going down there and shoveling the coal into the furnace to keep the house warm….something I just enjoyed and which my Uncle gladly deferred to my exuberant ADHD youth.

From there I drove a few blocks east to
Schuele Ave
where we lived when my family moved up from TX and reclaimed me as their son.  Wasn’t much to see anymore….this has become a very run down area in Buffalo. 
Well, at least the Bills won another game….can they keep it going??
C ya mañana,
twitter: @GonzoCrossUSA

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