Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 2: Three Flags Classic

September 1, 2012
Little America WY

I got the early start I needed, 0745 back on the road.  Before leaving the motel I met Stan from Canada, then Marlene also from Canada then I met probably the oldest riding couple in the group.  I forget their names but he must’ve been 76 and she in her early 70’s.  Each was riding a new Gold Wing.  She is so petite that she steadied the bike on her toes!  OK, I’m not sure about that….but that’s what it seemed like.

The planned route took us North on the US24 then northwest on CO62 which was full of climbs, twisties, descents with more twisties…scary for me a little but I’m getting better at handling these drop off cliffs. 

62 took me through Aspen!  Always wondered where that was and what it looked like.  I’m so glad I never spent $$ just to go there….totally plastic for the in crowd.  But who am I??  I can barely stay up on a pair of skis.

The route then briefly took us west on I-70 to Rifle where we took CO13 north to Meeker then CO64 west to Rangly ultimately connecting with US40 to ride into Vernal.  I’ve wanted to visit Vernal since last year when I discovered the neatest H-D name in Utah was “Beers Harley” and located in Vernal.  It took a double ride-by before I found it.  I initially rode past it because I saw only the other motorcycle names.  Seems the store is a multi-bike store.  Regardless, I got my Harley “Beers” Tshirt J.

Out of Vernal I experienced another great ride of climbs and twisties going up atop some plateau.  I stopped briefly at the hard right turning point of 191 heading to Rock Springs and continuing road on CO44 where we were supposed to head west on the CO43. 

Just as I was getting ready to leave, another biker pulled in behind me on the side of the road.  It was Marlene, whom I had met earlier this morning at the Buena Vista motel.  She said her riding buddies had taken off on the 191 and she knew that was not the way to go.  I showed her the map and my plan to ride the 530 along the west side of the Flaming Gorge for another great ride.

She agreed wholeheartedly as it would save us about an hour of riding time.  That was when her buddies double-backed from the 191 and joined us on the 44.  We showed them the modified route and they liked it also.  So all four of us headed out on a road that allowed us to speed at 85mph!  The road was as good as an Interstate and better than some of them!

This brought us into Green River WY where my son in law and his sister had lived at one time.  Nice quiet little town. From there it was a fast dash to the Little America check point and get inside before the horrendous dark cloud/storm hit. 

From here I was supposed to double back towards Green River and connect onto the 191 north to Pinedale where I had a motel reserved.  But the storm was upon us and it darkened the skies to the north east where Pinedale was located.  I had purposely planned this additional 100 miles so that the next day I could do 600 and be positioned within 200 miles of Nelson on the last day of riding.

But Stan and Bill encouraged me to stay put….so we were able to rent a 2 bedroom room for three at a low cost of $40 each!  So I stayed put with the plan to get a very early start.  I will need to ride 700 miles tomorrow to reach my next reservation at Trout Creek MT.

Here’s hoping the weather mañana is accommodating!

And yes, Little America is just like Big America….sit in the gas station and you’ll see Americans from all over.
C ya mañana,
Twitter: @GonzoCrossUSA
Email: GonzoCrossUSA@gmail.com
Cell: 949-433-0761

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