Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 10: June11th, Lebanon KS 2nd Time

The weather to the south looks like it may be favorable for me.  No rain and no Hurricanes!

In the morning I rode the 60 miles or so to Lebanon and upon arrival at the gas station found some local folks repairing a tire on their truck. They were John, Rex and Randy and we got to chat a little.  Rex served in the Navy and lived in San Diego for a few years, so he was familiar with the SoCal geography.

Then it was south on 181 to US 24 east to US81 south and onto I-70 towards Salina KS.  On US 24 I passed thru a town called Cawker City claiming to have the largest ball of twine.  I will have to return thru here and get a photo of the bike with it.

In Salina I got an oil change and realized later I should have had the 60K service
performed.  We checked the tires and confirmed I have at least 1000 miles left on them so I decided to work with BuzzCap in Boca to arrange a quick tire change at his local Harley Store.

Today’s route took me thru Topeka, Kansas City, and into Kingdom City, just east of Columbia and west of St. Louis. 

I called it quits just before it got dark and found a Days Inn at Kingdom.  Stopping for the oil change in Salina sucked up some time today.  With stopping for the oil change I only got 513 miles logged….a bit shy of the 600 I wanted to do.

Will get a good rest and a good breakfast with an early start tomorrow.
C ya mañana,
Twitter: @GonzoCrossUSA
Cell: 949-433-0761

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