Friday, July 20, 2012

One Day Away

July 15, 2012
Bangor ME

The ride out of Danbury was on the I-84 which will take me through Waterbury and Hartford into MA to connect with the I-90 to I495 to circumvent Boston.  North of Boston 495 connects back to 95 and it will be a straight shot up to Bangor where a reserved room is waiting for me at the Econolodge where I stayed last year for 2 nights while horrendous storms clashed all around the Northeast for two days. 

As I rode out I had the warm feeling of being only one day away from completing the four corners event in 18 days if I arrive tomorrow the 16th (Departure from Blaine WA was on June 29th.

That warm fuzzy feeling was soon replaced with defensive frustration
with CT women drivers.  A woman in a van got right on my tail then suddenly sped up, whipped around me, and cut in front of me missing me by about 2 feet…only to then whip in to a service exit not 50 feet later! WHY??? What are people so frantic about?  The speed limit is 65 and I was doing 70!  Oh well.

Once again I was treated to very attractive countryside vistas.  But I-84 is a tired road.  Sophia was bouncing all over the place from the roughness that existed in many sections of the highway.

I missed the I-290 turnoff so I just continued on to the I-495 and went around Boston.  Man, is that ever a loooonnnngggg ride to finally connect to the I-95!  I thot it would never end.

Bangor finally got in my sights and I wrapped the day at around 490 miles.  Not bad for an old guy J.
C ya maƱana,
Twitter: @GonzoCrossUSA
Cell: 949-433-0761

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